Hello Friends,
It's Simply Neutrals Tuesday again.
Today I thought I'd share some collages I made recently, and the story behind them.

A while ago I visited Dee's Funk 'n'Junk at Ulladulla to browse in her wonderfully eclectic 'vintage seaside meets shabby chic' junk shop. Her FaceBook page is here. I love going there for a chat and for the inspiration packed into such a small area. Dee uses every inch of her display space.
I've shown Dee photos of things I've made using old laces and pictures and she saves me special bits and pieces. I spied this old photo of a baby hanging high on a wall and asked her how much it was, thinking it would be out of my price range anyway.
To my surprise Dee looked at me and said, "It's yours. There's a sad story to this picture. I knew this baby when she grew up. She was a local, a teacher who never married. Her name was Lorraine. She used to come into my shop to find treasures. When she passed on at a ripe old age, she left behind no children to share her treasures with. A niece who inherited brought all her stuff to the shop to sell it to me. I felt so sad that those special things Lorraine had delighted in were not appreciated. Not even her baby photo which was really old - maybe 90 years. I didn't know what to do with the photo as I felt too sad to sell it. When you asked, I knew who would appreciate her. So she's yours."
I was absolutely thrilled!
So Baby Lorraine came home with me, and I made three vintage lace collages using copies. Dee was chuffed when I gave one to her in appreciation for her gift.
This one uses a vintage book cover as its base...
This one uses a worn old LP cover as its base...
A close up of details... some vintage music and avocado dyed cheesecloth...
I scanned a vintage tape measure and printed a copy to add to the collage. Pieces of vintage clothing, doilies and laces were used, as well as scrapbooking papers, beading, found skeleton leaves, feathers and some flower embellishments I had made.
I will feature Dee's shop in a post to come soon.
Come join in for Wen's Simply Neutrals Tuesday party at her blog:
You can see see more neutral-coloured artworks, collectables and photo art on display. You may like to share some too...
Until next time, may the sun shine on you...