I've been photographing the old newspapers used behind the wallpapers, and fragments of the various layers of wallpapers since 1865 that have been lovingly salvaged to put together a poster for the exhibition, as well as fragments of painted timbers and lino scraps.
The wallpapers are TO DIE FOR!
These are just some of the poster ideas. The dates and exhibition title are still to be decided. I found a couple of ads in 1950-60 newspapers for shops that still exist in Moruya...
I've also been working on a poster for our next concert... that's me 3rd from left, and my hammered dulcimer is on the left. It was tricky setting the timer and running to be in the photo!

That's my creative output for this week, as well as practicing for the above concet and for the 50th National Folk Festival in Canberra, Australia.
Here's the performers List so far...
I'm linking to Simply Neutrals Tuesday, hosted by Wen on her blog AppleApricot.
Wishing you creative time to play and reflect and make something beautiful...