I picked up this old dolls' house at an op shop, and Roisin and I are fixing up the broken furniture, mending the roof and front verandahs which have come unstuck, making bedding etc for it, and putting the furniture in. It even has atiny Christmas tree with lights - but we need to work on the lighting as it's a mess. Sorry it's a poor pic- it was taken with my tablet on a rainy day and I lightened it.
an old clock became a mat for a Christmas decoration display...
Red roses and white gardenias from my garden, with a snowy Christmas scene - we've never seen a white Christmas. It must be beautiful!
Our over-laden Christmas tree. Everyone wants to put their favourite decorations on it.
I couldn't resist playing in Photoshop with this vintage santa Christmas card.... It's terry and our two cats, Willow and Gypsy!
The Xmas Eve Santa Run when the fire brigade volunteers throw lollies to the kids and collect donations... I'm in the back. Santa rides in the front as we are not allowed to ride on the outside any more, more's the pity! The siren whoops all around every street in our area. We take two or three trucks and divide up the area and it takes about 2 hours from about 3:00pm.

A couple of years ago I got to be Santa. To their credit, the guys weren't sexist about it! I was a very short Santa, and had to be padded up to fit into the costume (wow, it's so hot in a hat and beard!!!) I practiced my deepest voice for "Ho ho ho Merry Christmas!' and would you believe, my own children didn't recognize me, even my voice, when the truck came to them. They were aged 8 and 11, and had gone to a nearby street in their eagerness to meet the truck. I tossed the lollies and called in my Santa voice, "Does your mother know you're not on your street?' and they looked guilty and ran home. When the truck got to our place, they still didn't recognize me until I burst out laughing!!!
This Aussie Christmas must really contrast with all you folk having a white Christmas!
Have a great day with your family. I'll get back to mine, too!
Love and hugs,